Jackie is on a cruise down western Mexico and I was trying to put in my "100 pound party" picture, but I got this one, oh well, this is my first attempt to try putting in pictures and words by myself. Ah! so techno-illiterate, but learning step by step. On January 17th I broke 225 (sort of) and weighed 225.4 and for the past month I have been trying to get to 225.0 but ironically I hit 224.4 on February 7th so basically it has taken me a month to lose one pound, but at least it is going down and I am fluctuating around 225 which gives me joy to know that I have definitely made it over the 3-digit hump. I decided to celebrate by taking two large buckets of mints to Gold's Gym and my before and current picture with the comment, "Welcome to my FIRST 100 pound party" I've lost a mint, so take a mint! People look at me and say, "you don't have another 100 pounds to lose," but I assure them that my 2011 goal is to lose 75 pounds and get to 150 by Christmas. Well see how it goes! I will write more later, but for now, I'm in the over a hundred pound weight loss, so here's my celebration! YAHOO!