Saturday, December 19, 2009

Okay, I did start a blog a couple of years ago about my cat Anthony and before I could finish the blog which I saved, he vanished. So I suppose this is a new blog to talk about my weight and hopefully, my weight will vanish :-)

It's been 48 hours since I went to Evergreen Hospital to have my lapband installed. I have been comparing it to a pacemaker in that a pacemaker helps the heart to work correctly, a lapband is a tool to help the stomach work correctly. I have been following all the instuctions carefully. At present I have 4 bandages around the front part of my waist above my belly button and one bandage that has fallen off in the middle and just below my breasts. The bottom four are the worst in that they are bruised and when I get up there is a discomfort and pain. When I'm up I'm up and when I'm down I'm down, but when I'm in the process it really is the pits (I think that should be sung to) Anyway, I woke up around 4:30, got out of bed at 5, said goodbye to Ginny Kay as she left for work at 6:15 and I've taken my vitamin, drunk water and now I'm going to sip my "protein." I don't feel hungry, I am a little uncomfortable around the central incisions, but it's not awful, more like a steady dull ache. I need to watch a video to get my mind off and I probably will do that, but right now I have to go upstairs and tell Rob to get up and go pick up Alexa.

1 comment:

  1. Good job Mom! Great post. You don't need to give every blog entry a label though if you don't want to. They are just so you can add labels on the side of your blog, like weight loss, food, or whatever, and people can click on them - if you want me to add the label section to your blog. Love you!
